What’s Up Crownsville?
Ask Your Crownsville Dentist: Should I Use Mouthwash Regularly?
At-home dentistry can be difficult when you have so many choices to choose from for mouthwash. The colors, tastes, and prices are all factors that can be downright confusing. Are you wondering if you should even be using mouthwash on a regular basis? Stick with...
Why Your Crownsville Invisalign® Dentist is a Mastermind
Are you looking for an Invisalign® dentist in Crownsville you know you can trust for the Invisalign® treatment like you’ve seen on TV or online? You don’t have to search for anyone other than Dr. Eric Rabovsky and the Crownsville Dental & Wellness Solutions team. ...
4 Things That Happen If You Only Brush Your Teeth Once A Day
As your Crownsville dentist, we can’t argue with the American Dental Association when they recommend brushing your teeth twice daily at the very least. But what happens when you’re busy and you forget? Trust the Crownsville Dental & Wellness Solutions team to help...
Mail Order Clear Aligners vs. Invisalign
It’s a common misconception that mail-order aligners are a more affordable and equally effective alternative to Crownsville Invisalign. Mail order price points can sound attractive at first, and if you have any hesitancy about going to the dentist you may find...
How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath
One of the many benefits of maintaining good oral hygiene is better breath. By regularly brushing, flossing, and staying on top of regularly scheduled preventive dental visits with your Crownsville dentist, you can reduce your risk of developing bad breath by...
Invisalign FAQs
It’s not uncommon for patients to have a lot of questions about the best way to align their teeth. Should they go with traditional metal braces or utilize a removable aligner system like Invisalign to correct their smile? At Crownsville Dental & Wellness...
Invisalign vs. Braces
The classic image most people conjure when imagining the process of correcting misaligned teeth is that of metal braces. The traditional braces so many folks are familiar with come with a variety of unwelcome traits, from the old-fashioned wire-and-bracket aesthetics...
What Is Invisalign Treatment Like?
Crownsville Invisalign treatment is a game-changing way to straighten your smile through advanced dental technology. Contrary to popular belief, Invisalign isn’t just invisible braces. Rather, it is a sophisticated and highly personalized computer programming...
How Much Does Invisalign Cost?
Patients interested in achieving their smile goals through Invisalign treatment may be intimidated by not knowing more about the cost, which is why we want to help you understand the investment in advance. White may be optimal when it comes to teeth, but full...