What Is Invisalign Treatment Like?

by | Jul 13, 2022 | Dental Hygiene, Invisalign Dentist, Oral Health

Crownsville Invisalign treatment is a game-changing way to straighten your smile through advanced dental technology. Contrary to popular belief, Invisalign isn’t just invisible braces. Rather, it is a sophisticated and highly personalized computer programming technique designed to safely realign your teeth in a minimally invasive way. By wearing a series of removable, clear aligners designed through the computer program and made from SmartTrack flexible plastic (a material patented exclusively for Invisalign), patients can comfortably and effectively correct misaligned teeth. 

Invisalign treatment at Crownsville Dental & Wellness Solutions begins with a complimentary consultation with Dr. Eric Rabovsky. Dr. Eric is in the vanguard of Invisalign dentists, as 

one of twelve faculty globally for Molis Coaching, the premium Invisalign training organization and the only Strategic Partner of Align (the creators of Invisalign) in the United States. He was mentored by Dr. Ryan Molis himself and is now responsible for coaching and training over 1800 dental providers on Invisalign best practices. Dr. Eric is also a member of Masterminds, an exclusive group of less than 100 top Invisalign doctors in North America who work together in real-time to continuously improve Invisalign treatments and techniques. You couldn’t ask for a better Invisalign dentist to have by your side! 

Working with our Crownsville Invisalign dentist, Dr. Eric, he will design a digital treatment plan unique to your needs. This will help predict the movement of your teeth and form the fit of your unique aligners, which will be created upon your approval of the proposed treatment plan. Once your first set of aligners is ready, Dr. Eric will check their fit and answer any additional questions you may have as you begin to embark on your journey towards a straighter smile. He will work with you to set up future appointments to track your progress and determine when to advance you to the next set of aligners. Once your smile goal is met, you will receive a retainer to keep your teeth perfectly aligned.

Because Crownsville Invisalign aligners are removable, you will continue to eat, brush, and floss as you normally would throughout the course of your treatment. While the duration of treatment can vary since each individual case is different, you will likely begin to see results within a matter of weeks. Mild-to-moderate cases may even complete treatment in as little as six months! Give us a call today to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Eric and be one step closer to achieving your perfect smile.